We Are Model Aviation. Act Now!

Most of you know how big of a Extreme Flight Fanboy I am and founder, Chris Hinson fan. I’ve owned at least a dozen of his air-frames since Mark Trent introduced me to the 60″ Laser, which I wiped out in that fateful “Dual Rate” debacle but ultimately ended up in Bob Schmidt repairing and flying a bazillion times.

Our Model Aviation Freedoms are at risk!

Check out the video below, imploring you to take action if you love our hobby as much as I do. If you’re wondering what you can do to take action, check out my post from a few months ago HERE:

Help us unite to protect our hobby!

Happy Flying!

Ralph Grant
Spirits President (2018-2020)


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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