September Meeting Minutes


September 12th, 2023

President Ralph Grant
Not in attendance
Meeting called to order at 6:55 p.m. by Wayne Nenninger

Vice President Dave Harrington
Not in attendance

20 members were in attendance.  

Secretary’s report:
Robert Wilson, Secretary
Not in attendance
Paul Geders was asked to take the minutes. 
August Minutes were accepted. 

Treasurer’s Report:
Wayne Nenninger, Treasurer
The Treasurer’s report was shared and had no corrections. We had debits of $810.90 and Income of $50.00. Motion to accept passed.

Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

  • Dave stated he would not be accepting the appointed position of Field Committee Chairman next year!  The chairman’s job is to “ensure that the field and equipment are properly maintained and recommend improvements or changes”. We need a volunteer.
  • The field will be closed this coming Sunday September 17th for making the saw cuts in the runways as the first step in repairing the cracks…no flying will be allowed until all cuts are made.
  • A work party to do crack repairs is scheduled for the weekend of October 6th, 7th and 8th.  We will keep members posted if there is a date change. Covered pallets of forty-two 80-pound bags of Sakrete each will be delivered totaling approximately 245 bags.  Need strong individuals to help move each bag to the concrete mixer. 
  • We need several wheel barrows for disposing of the material removed, and transporting the bags of Sakrete. Dave will supply the rest of the equipment required.
    Please contact Dave Brown to let him know you will be helping by emailing him at
  • Dave will be sending an email for commitments to work on October 7th and/or 8th.  This is an undertaking that requires support of the members to help maintain one of the finest flying sites in the Midwest.  

Safety Committee Report:
Sid Kinzel, Field Committee Chairman

  • Replaced 2 new fire extinguishers, one at the frequency board and one at the walkway middle entrance to the pit areas.  One by the pavilion will be replaced later.
  • Curt McIntyre got his little finger in a prop at Saturdays Fun Fly event.  Went to doctor AFTER the meet…not too bad!

Membership Chairman’s Report
Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

We have 119 Current Members.  Last year we had 119 at this time.  Possible that 2 more members may apply from Saturday’s Fun Fly Event.

Old Business:

  • Paul Geders reported that the Ameren Missouri Line Covering Division has line covers on the power lines along Amrein Rd.  Awaiting the red balls.
  • September 9th AMA Sanctioned Fun Fly was an outstanding success.
    Thanks to the efforts of Dan Morrison, Rich Taylor and Wayne Nenninger for setting it up.  Also, a big thank you to Dan and Rich’s wives. 21 entrants. A lot of compliments were expressed…and we are sure there will be more fun flies! 

New Business: 

  • Stephen Adams, our webmaster talked about updates to the website…especially the ability for members to upload photos.  Look for “Member Picture Uploads” on the home page, halfway down, under the Calendar.
  • One of the first steps taken by Dan Morrison was talking with Darren VanCoeur at Mark Twain Hobby about a “Mentor Program” for the Spirits.  His plan is for us to have a number of club member mentors to check if an aircraft is airworthy, and then turned over to “pilot instructors” that Dan will be lining up with names and phone numbers.
  • Rich Taylor pointed that Mark Twain Hobby “Customer Appreciation” ends this Sunday at closing.  20% off anything you buy or order.
  • Nominations for Club Officers took place.  

Nominees are:

  • President – Ralph Grant
  • Vice President – Dan Morrison
  • Secretary – Stephen Adams
  • Treasurer – Wayne Nenninger

In case you are wondering what Officers responsibilities are…AND if you would like to be nominated for one of the positions, please contact Ralph Grant at RALPH@THEGRANTZ.COM

Section 2 President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and shall act as spokesperson in all matters pertaining to it.

Section 3 Vice-President: The Vice-President shall act for the President when he/she is unable to serve and is to maintain an accurate record (including place of storage) of all club assets.  

Section 4 Secretary: The Secretary of the club shall record minutes of regular club meetings, Board of Directors meetings, Special Meetings, and handle all correspondence pertaining to club activities.

Section 5 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due and shall keep a record of moneys disbursed by the club. The Treasurer shall also maintain a running or continuous “budget tracker” or ledger showing every month’s transactions for the fiscal year (November to October) that is to be provided at each regular club meeting for all the members to view. 

Nomination of club officers shall be made at the general membership meeting in September. Nominations for office may be made by any active club member holding voting rights, either in person or by submitting a proxy nomination via e-mail to a current Board member. All known nominations for each office will be published in the newsletter at least one week prior to the October election.


  • Stephen Adams

    Stephen got into RC in 1996 shortly before his first son was born. He enjoys building and loves WWII scale. He returned to active flying in 2021 after several years out of the hobby and lives by the adage: "as the eyes get older, the planes get bigger".

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