Pokorny Float Fly Sept 2022

FloatFly Feature

Monday 26Sep brought four pilots, five planes, and one lone boat together at a large pond near Steve Pokorny’s place. It was a great time for flyers and spectators alike; so grab a Timber (mine arrived on Wednesday) and join us next time! The pizza, shrimp and beers (after the flying) was also a nice treat. Thank to Steve P for hosting!

Apologies for the delay getting this posted. My hard drive died on my iMac and just got it back together yesterday.


  • Stephen Adams

    Stephen got into RC in 1996 shortly before his first son was born. He enjoys building and loves WWII scale. He returned to active flying in 2021 after several years out of the hobby and lives by the adage: "as the eyes get older, the planes get bigger".

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