Officers / Treasurer Search

The club is in serious need for a Treasurer.

Every organization requires a certain level of participation to operate. We have leaned heavily on a select few individuals for decades and are in desperate need of some new blood! The treasurers position is a critical aspect of our operations and it is very important to make sure that the position is filled with a valued team member.

We don’t need a CPA, Retired Chief Financial Officer etc. If you can add numbers together, write a check, and get on the bank website you can do this! We will train you!

Greg has done a great job of documenting the tasks required.

Other Officers Needed:

As of the last meeting the following is the list of nominations. I highly recommend that if you are interested in being more active there is plenty to do.

Nominations for the 2020 Club Officers are:

PresidentRalph Grant
Vice President David Harrington
SecretaryRalph Doyle / Paul Geders

The reality is that we require more than just a select few to do everything. We are not flying when we are conducting other club business. If more people help, its less work for everyone!!!

I sincerely commend David Herrington for stepping up and taking a greater interest in the club.

Ralph Grant – Spirits President


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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