June 2021 Meeting Minutes


Monthly Meeting Minutes for June 8, 2021
By Ralph Doyle, Secretary

President Ralph Grant:
Meeting called to order at 7:10 pm by Ralph Grant  

16 members attended the meeting.

Secretary’s report:
Ralph Doyle, Secretary

Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the May minutes as posted on the web.

Treasurer’s Report:
Steve Cross, Treasurer

The Treasurer’s Report for May is unavailable at meeting time because Steve Cross is on vacation. He will complete and distribute the report to the Board upon his return.

Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Chairman

Motion was made and approved that a plan to establish a parking area east of the current parking lot. This project will probably be completed in the coming weeks. One of the pear trees was lost to high winds. Motion made and approved to replace the tree. Plans to replace the tree are to wait until the fall to replant a replacement tree.

Safety Committee Report:
Sid Kinzel, Chairman
There were no reports of injuries at the field.  Not at the field, but one of our members suffered 12 stitches in his index finger due to him being distracted while the motor was running.

Membership Chairman’s Report
Ralph Doyle, Chairman

If a person asks if he can fly and is not a member, be sure to ask to see his AMA card. The PayPal system is available for you to renew your membership. The current membership now stands at 112. Last year the total of the year was 110.

Old Business:
There was no old business. Remember the field is closed on Thursday’s when the mowers are cutting the grass.

New Business:
President Grant spent a lot of time going over the AMA and club safety rules as is required to maintain our leader club status. There was a lot of discussion concerning the safety rules, in particular, taxiing in the pit area and flying before 9AM in the morning. Both activities are not permitted at this time for any model for any reason. Just a warning: if you cause damage to property while in violation of safety rules you may NOT be covered by AMA insurance and financial responsibility will lie with you. The club also has a legal requirement to follow the rules set down in the limited use permit that we have to adhere to. The next club meeting will be at the field July 13, at 7:00PM. Come early and get in a flight or two.

Steve Adams displayed a WACO Bi-plane that he obtained from out of state and was shipped to him via Greyhound bus! Ralph Doyle brought a new F-86 for a couple of flights before the meeting.  Check page 52 of the June issue of Model Aviation and you will find Greg Tesson’s P-51.


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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