June 2020 Meeting Minutes

June is Bustin’ Out All Over

Monthly Meeting Minutes for June 9, 2020

By Ralph Doyle, Secretary

President Ralph Grant:

Zoom and meeting at the field called to order at 7:05pm. Four new members were attending the meeting for the first time. Welcome!

Ralph Grant gave a detailed report on the status of the web site which, due to GoDaddy changing servers, requires us to do a major upgrade to the web site.


 27 members attended the meeting in person and via ZOOM.

Secretary’s report:

Ralph Doyle, Secretary

Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the May meeting minutes as emailed to the membership. Due to GoDaddy problems, the June minutes will be emailed to the membership. The issues with the web site should be corrected shortly.

Treasurer’s Report:

Steve Cross, Treasurer

The treasurer’s report was passed out and there were no corrections.

Field Committee Report:

Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

As reported in the previous minutes, Hackman Lumber submitted a bid of $7/ton of gravel to add to the parking lot and access road. The bill amounted to a little over $1000. The gravel was spread Tuesday the 8th. The property owners have agreed to the lease extension with no increase in rent so the club has a place to fly for the next 5 years. There was some discussion as to the timing of the grass cutting. However, for this year, we had no choice but to have the field cut on Monday’s. The mowing company is going to be contacted and asked to cut the grass lower then they have been cutting. There were complaints about the white strip by the fence causing glare. Also, access to the pits is a walk-way and should not be blocked. Motion was made and passed that the club purchase additional tables to replace the broken wooden ones. There will be no additions to the chairs so bring your own.

Safety Committee Report: The members are reminded that the field is open and everyone, due to the “virus”, should practice keeping safe distances. Be advised that the porta-potty is scheduled to be serviced June 17th. I strongly recommend that everyone stay away from it due to its’ current condition. There were no other issues brought up.

Membership Chairman’s Report

Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

If you plan on flying and have not rejoined the club you are trespassing. Several longtime former members are no longer members of the AMA. If a person asks if he can fly and is not a member, be sure to ask to see his AMA card. The PayPal system is available for you to renew your membership. We currently have 108 renewed and new members. By the middle of the June last year we had 111 members.

Old Business:

As stated above, the parking lot has been resurfaced with about 150 tons of gravel. Thanks to Dave Brown and Dave Harrington.    

New Business:

There was some discussion as to when it will be advisable to renew club activities. The swap meet will be held in September, Ralph Grant’s WWII Sunday’s will continue as scheduled. There may be a 4-star race held July 25th if a contest director is found. There are jet time trials scheduled for July 26th. A pilot simply has to fly 3 laps and record his time. Specifics will be figured out that day. The field will be open during the time trials.


There were no presentations this month

Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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