February 2020 Meeting Minutes

Happy Valentine’s Day! Get your dues in before the end of the March meeting!

President Ralph Grant:

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm by Greg Bowles, Ralph being out of town on business.


 16 members attended the meeting that included new member David Looke and three guests.

Secretary’s report:

Ralph Doyle, Secretary

Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the January meeting minutes as emailed and published on the Spirits web site. The link is located near the upper right of the web site home page. I am required to send an updated membership list to the AMA. The updated list is also provided to Mark Twain Hobby and I plan to do so after the March meeting. So, if you want to maintain your 10% club discount at Mark Twain, get your club renewal in now.

Treasurer’s Report:

Steve Cross, Treasurer

The treasurer’s report was passed out at the meeting and there were no corrections. The bank transfers have been made and the taxes and bills have been paid.

Field Committee Report:

Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

There were no reports concerning any problems at the field. For all members who drive AROUND the gate to gain access to the field because they are unaware that the gate is NOT locked but only has a “farmers lock” (the appearance of a locked gate). They are ruining the grass on the field.

Safety Committee Report: no situations reported

Membership Chairman’s Report:

Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

I hope that you members who have yet to renew your membership take advantage of our new system and use the on-line membership renewal process where you can renew using a PAY-PAL account. If you choose not to use this payment method you can renew your club membership the old fashioned way. Remember you MAY NOT FLY after the first of the year if you have not renewed your AMA membership. There is a very good reason for this: You are not covered by AMA insurance and that is one of the requirements that you, as a member, need to meet.  If you plan on flying after January 1st, 2020 you will need a NEW red club membership card. We currently have 82 members.

Old Business:

A discussion was held concerning grass cutting and the possibility of reducing the cost of cutting in order to reduce expenses. A motion was made, and passed by the members present, that no changes in grass mowing until the end of the current contract at which time bids will be accepted for mowing in the upcoming 2021 season.

New Business:

  1. The next model event on the calendar is scheduled for Feb.15, 2020 from 9AM-1PM at Hope Lutheran Church and is an in-door fly-in. Entry fee is $5.00.
  2. If a member is interested in joining a trip to the National Museum of the U. S. Air Force, March 27, 2020, tentative plans can be discussed with Greg Bowles.  GABOWLES@SBCGLOBAL.NET
  3. April 1, 2020 there is a tour scheduled for Creve Coeur airport.
  4. Repeating discussion from the January meeting: In an effort to increase membership a motion was made, seconded and approved by the membership present that any current member of another club that may be in the process of closing, be given the opportunity to join the Spirits for one year at half price, i.e. $75.

        e:     A suggestion was made that any member belonging to an organization like the Boys/girls clubs, big brother, VFW, or any         social group, that they invite their fellow members out to the field in an attempt to encourage them to become interested in our hobby.  

Presentations: Dave Brown brought 3 planes The first is a Hobby King Astro Ultra that has the option of mounting 3 motors to push it along. The second is a TechOne Hobby Neptune 2 that Dave says is very stable in windy conditions. The last photo is a F-18C Hornet that, I suppose, was purchased from Motion R/C and is painted in colors that Dave worked on during his carrier days.

This model was shown by Babe Raab. He is planning on a first attempt flying it on Feb 15th at the indoor fly-in.


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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