Biplanes over Bonhomme Island Photos


After a weather delay in early June we were able to have our first Biplanes over Bonhomme fun fly event on 29June. The weather toyed with us early in the morning with sporadic sprinkles but never enough to slow anyone down. The constant breeze keep the humidity from making us miserable. When the wind dropped…you knew it!

First, thanks to Dave Brown for the awesome fried crappy lunch. Second, thanks to Dave Brown, again, and the field crew, who had Gizzie Field looking great.

Eleven pilots and twenty-three biplanes (one not pictured) of all sizes. Several competed for the smallest biplane. The big gassers were pulled around by G-62, DLE 40T, and DLE35RA.

We welcomed non-biplane flyers but they tried to convince me two helicopter rotors equals a Biplane. I wasn’t falling for it. Or, that a left wing and a right wing constituted a biplane. Sorry guys. can’t fool me.

Thanks to Paul G, Babe R and Stephen A for the photos


  • Stephen Adams

    Stephen got into RC in 1996 shortly before his first son was born. He enjoys building and loves WWII scale. He returned to active flying in 2021 after several years out of the hobby and lives by the adage: "as the eyes get older, the planes get bigger".

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