May 2021 Meeting Minutes

President Ralph Grant:Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Ralph Grant   Attendance:20 members attended the meeting. Secretary’s report:Ralph Doyle, SecretaryMotion made, seconded and

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All Things Four Star 40!

So your winter project is to get a competition ready Four Star 40 Racer together for this coming 2021 Racing Season and you’ve been online

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April 2021 Meeting Minutes

By Ralph Doyle, Secretary President Ralph Grant:Meeting and Zoom called to order at 7:10 pm.   Attendance:24 members and one ZOOM participant attended the meeting.

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Get your Uproars!!!!

You only have about 3 weeks left to build your racing machine!!! (Races on May 8th) The Uproar is a great option to get in

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Aerobatics Sunday

With gusts of 30 miles an hour it’s just too dang windy to fly model airplanes today so it looks like it’s going to be

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March 2021 Meeting Minutes

President Ralph Grant:Meeting and Zoom called to order at 7:00 pm.   Attendance:14 members attended the meeting in person and 5 more logged in via

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Thanks For joining us on a Radio Control adventure