Fall Fly-In and Food Drive

A HUGE Success! The FALL FUN-FLY & FOOD DRIVE on Saturday, October 19th was a big success.  We had at least 25-30 pilots flying throughout

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Dago Red Update:

A Little Unlimited Warbird Eye-candy! I didn’t do much building yesterday since the finals for the Reno Air Races were streaming on YouTube so I

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Officers / Treasurer Search

The club is in serious need for a Treasurer. Every organization requires a certain level of participation to operate. We have leaned heavily on a

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AMA Leader Club

At The Meeing This Month: At this months meeting, Paul Geders presented the club our recognition plaque for being an AMA Leader Club. The Spirits

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Phoenix Ryan STA

Flies like a 30’s Racer Should, On Rails! The 1/5th scale Ryan STA by Phoenix models is a fantastic sport flyer. Of all the single

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Lanier Rebel Bipe For Sale:

Ken Murray kmmurray999@gmail.com contacted me to let me know that he has a vintage 50″ wingspan Lanier Rebel Bipe and Futaba radio for sale. If

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Spirits RC Club Membership
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My membership includes youth under age 19 ?
Congratulations and Welcome

Thanks For joining us on a Radio Control adventure