Broken 3- and 4-Blade Propellers
You have a sport or scale airplane with a 3- or 4-blade propeller…and you break one, and don’t have a spare, or they are no longer available…
You have a sport or scale airplane with a 3- or 4-blade propeller…and you break one, and don’t have a spare, or they are no longer available…
Back to Home Our runway repairs, led by Dave Brown, began a week before with several individuals helping make the saw cuts. Then, on the
A work party for runway is scheduled for the weekend of October 7th and 8th. Covered pallets of 42 80-pound bags of Sakrete each will be delivered totaling approximately 245 bags. Need strong individuals to help move bags to the concrete mixer.
Read the minutes to stay informed about events, rules, and opportunities to volunteer.
Lithium batteries must be respected or the results could be disturbing. Here is a quick video with a simple illustration. Be safe out there!
Please review the Updated Rules for Stock Electric Warbirds. The next racing event takes place on June 17th and is open to anyone with valid
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