August 2020 Meeting Minutes

It’s the dog days of Summer

Monthly Meeting Minutes for August 11, 2020
By Ralph Doyle, Secretary

President Ralph Grant:
Zoom and meeting at the field called to order at 7:05pm.

17 members attended the meeting in person and 4 more logged in via ZOOM.

Secretary’s report:
Ralph Doyle, Secretary

Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the June meeting minutes as posted on the web site.  

Treasurer’s Report:
Steve Cross, Treasurer

The treasurer’s report was passed out and there were no corrections and it was moved, seconded and approved. Motion made and approved to reimburse Dave Brown $7 for expenses to fix one of the circuit breaker boxes and an additional $173.40 to repair the Bob Gizzie memorial sign.

Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

Dave Harrington will investigate how best to illuminate the flag at night. There will be a work party organized to place bollards around the Gizzie sign so that future damage will be, hopefully, eliminated. One of our new members, Steve Pokorny volunteered to “weed wack” around the field to spruce up the place for the Model Aviation Day event August 15th. He and his friends, Les Hornbeck and Joe Vogel, not even club members, volunteered and finished the job in a couple of hours. The field looks very sharp now. Brian Aubochon is in the process of repairing, as much as possible, the runway cracks. Thanks, Brian.

Safety Committee Report: Please visit the web site and read the article concerning the injury to a members hand when the plane slipped during a hand launch of a propeller driven plane. Jeff Tesdall will figure out what is needed to increase the effectiveness of the first aid kits. The current kits are inadequate to handle injuries as occurred with the above mishap.

The members are reminded that the field is open and everyone, due to the “virus”, should practice keeping safe distances.

Membership Chairman’s Report
Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

If a person asks if he can fly and is not a member, be sure to ask to see his AMA card. The PayPal system is available for you to renew your membership. We currently have 110 renewed and new members. By the middle of August last year we had 114 members.

The membership chairman reminded everyone that, for new members, the dues for August and September is $10/month plus the $150 for the upcoming year 2021.

Discussion was held to figure out how to get the membership to place their membership cards on the frequency board.

It is the members’ responsibility to follow the RULES listed in the club by-laws and should not be offended if he is reminded to display his club card.

Old Business:
Since Model Aviation Day has passed, I’m including the event in the minutes for August. There were at least 20 pilots who signed the attendance sheet. They produced a minimum of 79 recorded flights. Ralph Grant lost track of the number of free hotdogs eaten. And Rich Taylor won a $200+ F-16 donated by Bob Schmidt.

New Business:
The club activities schedule was discussed. There are some changes to the activity schedule and they are listed on the web site. A second round of jet time trials is scheduled for August 22. And Dave Harrington will run the four star race now planned for September 5. The long delayed swap meet is scheduled for October 17, and there is a $5.00/car cover charge. Although not mentioned at the meeting, the September meeting is when members are asked to step forward and support the club by becoming involved with the management of the club. Some of the current officers have held elected positions for several years and it is time for others to step forward and assume some of the responsibility.

Don Williams, via ZOOM, presented a Hobby King Beechcraft Baron with a 69 inch wingspan. The plane has two Flightline 3648- 880kv motors and is powered by a single 4S 5000mah 50 C lipo battery. The motors swing 12×6 counter-rotating props.


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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