All Things Four Star 40!

So your winter project is to get a competition ready Four Star 40 Racer together for this coming 2021 Racing Season and you’ve been online for the last 30 hours scouring the internet for Dilithium Crystals to go in the Warp Core for the powerplant you plan on running? Hold on there Buckaroo! Its Four Star 40 Rules that separate man from beast, big fat cheater from sportsman, candy-ass from competitor, and Steve Ramonczuk from Babe Raab (I’ll let the reader decide who is who)!

This is your source for success!


If its speed tips your after, here are a few that are legal:


A few other interesting items:


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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National Model Aviation Day

Aug 14th 2021 was recognized as Model Aviation Day. The Spirits had a wonderful turnout of 40+/- flyers and spectators. The weather was awesome. CHECK

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Impressed with Dad's Landing

January Indoor Fly

Good turn out with a lot of indoor flying. Safe from the cold and wind. In one instance I counted eight planes flying so it was a swarm. I wish I had a plane but I will be prepared next time the Club hosts a similar event.

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