Care and feeding of LiPos

Another great resource from Paul G about electric motors, speed controllers and; now, batteries John Beech | Monday, March 6, 2017 | As is often

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Brushless Speed Controllers, An Inside Look

Brushless Electronic Speed Controllers are probably the most misunderstood and overlooked component in an R/C Electric Power System. These little marvels of modern electronics handle huge amounts of power and current, while switching power on and off at a rate of thousands of times per second, all to make a brushless motor spin a prop to power our model aircraft. In this informational article we will look at the basic function of Brushless Speed Controllers, talk about some of the features they have, and dispel some of the myths and misinformation surrounding them…

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Impressed with Dad's Landing

January Indoor Fly

Good turn out with a lot of indoor flying. Safe from the cold and wind. In one instance I counted eight planes flying so it was a swarm. I wish I had a plane but I will be prepared next time the Club hosts a similar event.

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Walbro Carburetors

More than you would ever want to know about the inner workings of the Walbro. I have watched it twice and suspect it requires a

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The Gee Bee Model Y

Maiden Flight at the field after over 30 years. Some Old School RC flyin’ from Jim Grants Fleet. Dad scratch built this Gee Bee from

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