November Meeting Minutes

Monthly Meeting location for January-to-March 2024 will be at the Creve Coeur Airport. We are pleased to announce the Spirits of St Louis Radio Control Flying Club is now a FAA- and AMA-recognized FRIA site. Deer season (rifle) is upon us so be cautious about venturing in, or near, the woods. Parts of our current operating documents have become dated and do not accurately reflect how the Club functions. Paul Geders led the effort, working with the Board, to bring the text up-to-date and welcome any feedback prior to finalizing the new documents.

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2024 Club Officers Elected

Elections were conducted in October and Spirits Officers for the next year are: Ralph Grant, president, incumbent Dan Morrison, vice -president Wayne Nenninger, treasurer, incumbent

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Runway Repairs Complete

Back to Home Our runway repairs, led by Dave Brown, began a week before with several individuals helping make the saw cuts. Then, on the

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September Meeting Minutes

Fun Fly was a roaring success! Thanks to all. Online voting for Club Officers is now open. Field closed on 17Sept. Work days 07-08Oct. We need a Field Chairman volunteer for next year.

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Gyro? No Gyro?

Is a Gyro cheating? Or is it a helpful tool to our flying experience? There are more opinions than options. What’s yours?

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August Meeting Minutes

A work party for runway is scheduled for the weekend of October 7th and 8th. Covered pallets of 42 80-pound bags of Sakrete each will be delivered totaling approximately 245 bags. Need strong individuals to help move bags to the concrete mixer.

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Thanks For joining us on a Radio Control adventure