Website Content and Your Support

Ohio Model Products Edge 540 Profile

At our April Club Meeting, Ralph Grant mentioned Stephen Adams, li’l ole me, was taking a more active role with the Spirits website. I am no expert but currently building a new Home Page which will debut soon.

This is YOUR website so it needs content from our members: pictures (w/description), stories, build projects, events, etc. You don’t have to produce 10,000 word essays when a couple photos and a short paragraph will suffice. We want to learn about what you are working on? We want to see your latest acquisition? We want to see your RUD (rapid unplanned disassembly) photos and hear the tale? …

Email your photos and stories to me via email. Look me up on the Roster. I don’t dare put my email in the open on the web for risking of getting a sh*t-ton of spam.

Simple ground rules: no politics, no social issues, no nonsense.

Our site is about RC flying and nothing but RC flying.

Ohio Model Products Edge 540 Profile with a SuperTiger 3250.
I maiden-ed my trailer project at the swap meet…well, this big beauty came loose on the drive home and busted a counter-balance tab off the elevator. Hangar rash is no bueno!

Read about my trailer project


  • Stephen Adams

    Stephen got into RC in 1996 shortly before his first son was born. He enjoys building and loves WWII scale. He returned to active flying in 2021 after several years out of the hobby and lives by the adage: "as the eyes get older, the planes get bigger".

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