October 2021 Meeting Minutes


Monthly Meeting Minutes for October 13, 2021
By Ralph Doyle, Secretary

President Ralph Grant:
President Ralph Grant was out of town on business. V. President Dave Harrington called the meeting to order at 7PM.

18 members attended the meeting.

Secretary’s report:
Ralph Doyle, Secretary

Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the September meeting minutes as posted on the web site.  I wish Robert Wilson success when he takes over the position of club secretary.

Treasurer’s Report:
Steve Cross, Treasurer

The August and September treasurer’s report were read and accepted. I also wish Wayne Nenninger success when he takes over the position of club treasurer.

Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

Dave Harrington reported that the replacement cost for the missing tree will be approx. $500. This includes digging the hole and planting a 20 foot Maple tree. Motion made, seconded, and was approved to go ahead with the tree replacement. It was also decided to see if the damaged tree can be saved before replacing it. Greg Tesson will be removing the hand washing station to repair and winterize it for the winter.

Safety Committee Report:
Sid Kinzel, Field Committee Chairman

There were no serious accidents reported.

Membership Chairman’s Report
Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

If a person asks if he can fly and is not a member, be sure to ask to see his AMA card. The PayPal system is available for you to renew your membership. We currently have 135 renewed and new members. By the end of last year we had 112 members. October basically starts the 2022 membership season. If you join as a new member for 2022 the balance of this year is free. The November through January 2022 meetings will return to Dorsett Village Church in Maryland Heights.

Old Business:

Dave Harrington ran last the 4-star, electric war-birds, and Up-Roar races for the year. The results were: for 1st place: 4-Star – Ralph Doyle, Up-Roar – Ralph Grant, unlimited electric warbirds – Steve Ramonczek. The election for club officers was held. There were no contested seats so the following officers were elected by acclimation: Ralph Grant – President, Dave Harrington – V. President, Robert Wilson – Secretary, Wayne Nenninger – Treasurer.

New Business:

There will be a memorial to John Bruno at the field Oct. 16th. The next scheduled event is October 23, and will involve STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) and three lap time trials for EDF Jets. The next monthly meeting is November 9th at Dorsett Village Church in Maryland Heights.


Wayne Nenninger displayed a Laser 200 that he is building from a very detailed kit. It sports a twin 70cc engine. (sorry for the poor lighting)


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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