September 2021 Meeting Minutes


President Ralph Grant:

Meeting at the field called to order at 7:05pm.


Due to the bad weather only13 members attended the meeting in person.

Secretary’s report:

Ralph Doyle, Secretary

Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the August meeting minutes as posted on the web site.  There is a Big Bird Fly-in Sept. 24-26 in Rolla, Mo. Contact:

Treasurer’s Report:

Steve Cross, Treasurer

There was no report submitted by meeting time.

Field Committee Report:

Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

Dave Brown and volunteers filled in many of the runway cracks as best they could by using 5 gallons of sealer. Dave Harrington will get replacement cost to install a new tree and to replace the diseased one. Mr. Brown plans on aerating the field in the near future. If he is on the field, ask permission from him if it is alright to fly.

Safety Committee Report:

Sid Kinzel, Field Committee Chairman

There were no serious accidents reported.

Membership Chairman’s Report

Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

If a person asks if he can fly and is not a member, be sure to ask to see his AMA card. There is an individual abusing the privilege by flying while not a member. The PayPal system is available for you to renew your membership. We currently have 124 renewed and new members. By the end of last year we had 112 members. October basically starts the 2022 membership season. If you join as a new member for 2022 the balance of this year is free. It was recommended that all the members should go on GOOGLE and type in “Spirits R C club” in the search box. On the right hand side of the page that opens is a section where you can add a review. The more reviews the higher the club appears in the suggested sites. Ralph Grant reports that our site has many, many ‘hits’. After the October meeting the November through January 2022 meetings will return to Dorsett Village Church in Maryland Heights.

Old Business:

Steve Cross ran the 4-star, electric war-birds, Up-Roar races held Sept. 11th. Unfortunately due to mishaps (crashes) the racing was limited. Rich Taylor reported that the business that produced our club hats and shirts etc., is closed. He is researching a new vendor. Greg Tesson, instructor pilot, is proud to report that student Ethan Kastner has soloed.

New Business:

The club will have election of officers at the October 12, meeting, to be held at the field. Nominations for officers were made. At this time the positions are: President – nominated Ralph Grant; V. President – nominated Dave Harrington; Secretary – nominated Robert Wilson; Treasurer – nominated Wayne Nenninger. Ballots will be going out via email to the membership prior to the October meeting. Further nominations may be made up to the start of the meeting. If you want to run for office, the sooner you let the secretary know so your name can be added to the ballot. If you’re slow to do so, the loss is yours. If you want to get on the ballot, make note that nominations need to be received BEFORE October 5, 2021 so that ballots can be emailed to the members. Filled out ballots have to be submitted to the administration by email or in person by the start of the October meeting.


Dave Brown invented a battery discharge station where you set your Lipo and it runs a fan motor both discharging itself and at the same time cooling itself off.

Wayne Nenninger displayed a Jungmeister originally built in 1978.  He competed in AMA scale thru 1983 and won some trophies with it. He crashed due to pilot stupidity in 1983. The wings, tail, and landing gear were still ok.  Wayne scratch built a new fuselage and grafted the pieces onto the new fuse and put it together as you now see it.

Ralph Grant will do a full article on the Jungmeister soon. Wayne has a LOT more pictures of his build.


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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