Monthly Meeting Minutes for February 9, 2021
By Ralph Doyle, Secretary
President Ralph Grant:
Meeting and Zoom called to order at 7:10 pm.
11 members attended the meeting in person and 6 more logged in via ZOOM.
Secretary’s report:
Ralph Doyle, Secretary
Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the Jan. meeting minutes as posted on the web. An item of interest was sent to our district V.P. for inclusion in the March AMA magazine.
Treasurer’s Report:
Steve Cross, Treasurer
The treasurer’s report for January was passed out and there were no corrections and it was moved, seconded and approved. There was a question whether Dave Brown was reimbursed for the parking lot repairs.
Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Chairman
There will be a work party organized this spring to spruce up the field prior to the start of the flying season. Dave Brown also pointed out that some members leave their trash at the field for someone else to pick up. There are trash bags available in the pavilion to help members cart away their trash.
Safety Committee Report:
Sid Kinzel, Chairman
There were no reports of injuries.
Membership Chairman’s Report
Ralph Doyle, Chairman
If a person asks if he can fly and is not a member, be sure to ask to see his AMA card. The PayPal system is available for you to renew your membership. The current membership now stands at 88. By the middle of February last year we had 82 members. As a reminder, if you have not paid your dues by the end of the March meeting, you are “in arrears†and the membership dues for late joiners is raised by an additional $25.00. I have to report our membership to Mark Twain Hobby. This is to give our members a 10% price reduction in their purchases. I also have to purge the following members from the AMA membership rolls: Daniel Galati, Harold Mantz, Tony Pozarich, Lew Shepley, John Smith, Alex Chandonnet, and Leo Steck. So, if you are planning on rejoining the club, please do so as soon as possible.
Old Business:
Once again the discussion of grass cutting was brought up. After much back and forth, it was decided that it really should be up to the Field Chairman who has to manage the mowing activities. After some discussion the Field Chairman decided that the effort was going to be more work than it was worth. Ralph Grant proposed an event schedule as listed on the web site. The link is posted here for your convenience to copy and paste to your browser: None of the club officers were informed of any additions, corrections or additions to the event schedule.
New Business:
Stay tuned. There is the possibility that the location for the indoor fly-in event scheduled for Feb. 20 may be changed. A notice will be sent out regarding time and place.
Three planes were brought to the meeting:
Dave Harrington showed a HK Stearman 1400mm size balsa plane. The Sostman’s displayed an Extreme Flight Vanquish and the second one is an E Flight Shoestring 15E that Chris picked up for $60 off the internet.

Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.
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