Website Performance Issues


Yes, I know. There are things messed up but joy is just around the corner.

The Spirits website has evolved over many years; and with it, issues pile on top of each other. Ralph Grant can attest to the frustrations with the site; well before my time taking over management. Last year we moved away from GoDaddy to Hostek as our Internet service provider to save money. At that time, Hostek merely copied the site from the old location to the new. Along with its issues. We knew this going in but we have continued to drive out the gremlins. Note: This is NOT my day job\ so I rely on google and the like to figure things out.

So, what am I doing about it?

After many months of pulling out what remaining hair I have, I decided it was a time for a rebuild. Tried to avoid it but the pile of dog poop just kept getting deeper. Building from the ground up will clean out all the databases, old configurations, artifacts from deleted services, etc. I enjoy maintaining our website but need to move past the headaches as it is consuming too much time to keep it limping along.

This process is underway and will take a couple weeks.

In the meantime, the old website is running but prone to crashing. If you experience an issue with the homepage then give it a few minutes and try again. It restarts automatically. Also, there are som sub-pages which have broken formats. Instead of attempting a fix, I am leaving them be while I focus on the rebuild.

We will NOT lose our data. Our previous posts, images, etc will be exported/imported to the new site. Note: this will not bring the gremlins. We are leaving those behind.

Bear with me.


  • Stephen got into RC in 1996 shortly before his first son was born. He enjoys building and loves WWII scale. He returned to active flying in 2021 after several years out of the hobby and lives by the adage: "as the eyes get older, the planes get bigger".

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Meeting Minutes
March 2025

“The club exists to have a field to fly our airplanes and enjoy fellowship with the like-minded. Everything we do must serve this end.” ~Dan M.

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