Greg’s New TaylorCraft

The plane is now in my hands via Greg Bowles. This plane has an interesting history. Greg B. did the research and found out the man who built the TaylorCraft was Jerry Quest. Using the archive files from Ralph Doyle, Jerry must’ve passed away in 2014 because he did not renew his membership in 2015 or thereafter. 

Babe Raab picked up this unfinished plane 10 years ago, and from what Greg B can remember he recalls Babe had the plane for 7 years before turning the keys over to Greg B.

It sat in Greg B’s hangar for about three years until last September / October 2024. At which time he asked if I would be interested in helping finish the TaylorCraft

I started working on the plane and my contribution including finishing the wing assembly and covering it. Then the tail assembly was finished and covered followed by attaching it to the fuselage and hinging the control surfaces, etc.

I returned the plane to Greg B’s shop with a 100% complete wing and empennage; but no fuselage covering.

He installed motor and mount, landing gear with tires, servo tray and servos, fuel tank, battery, struts, and a CG check The plane still lacked fuselage covering and windows so it was again returned to me to complete these activities. 

In the end, Greg B gave me the plane free and clear, so I gave him an unbuilt quarter scale clipped wing Piper Cub from Sig.

I got the motor running properly and well on a test stand and made a few modifications to the fueling system and I think I’m good. I need to mount the motor and I will be ready to fly. Weather permitting. 


New Resources Available

Thanks to Paul Geders for pulling these items together. Racing rules can now be accessed from the Menu under Documents. Direct link provided: Revised Four

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Awesome Pitts Video!

For those of you who like amazing aerobatics and the Pitts Special, this video is for you! Makes me want to build a Pitts! Author

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