11 March 2025
Remix Church 2240 Bennington Pl, Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Attendance: 22 Members Present
Club President-Elect: Dan Morrison
- Meeting called to order 7:04
- The website needs writers. Email to Secretary@SpiritsofSTL.com. Don’t worry, Stephen will proofread and format before publishing.
“The club exists to have a field to fly our airplanes and enjoy fellowship with the like-minded. Everything we do must serve this end. To keep our club healthy for ourselves and attractive to new members we should do more plane flying, continuous exercising of common sense, less fussing about the small things and being kind to others. Compromises, safe practices and reliance on collective common sense will generally promote the greater good. Be safe, engaging, have fun and help where you are able.” ~Dan
Vice President: Dustin Whitrock
- not preset
Secretary: Stephen Adams
- Secretary’s Report Accepted
- Website continues to have performance and stability issues (my wife says that about me!). In the process of a total rebuild so have patience with any issues on the current site. When the new site is fully tested the switch will be flipped.
Treasurer: Wayne Nenninger
- Treasurer’s Report Accepted
- Steve Cross/mtg w/Ostmann’s regarding lease and approval to post sign at SW corner of Amrein & Greens Bottom Rd.
Field Committee Report: Terry Houts
- Drawer repaired. Remember to RE-lock it.
- Well cleared for the session and tested
- Electric reviewed and repaired on the charging benches. Weatherstrip was lacking causing water damage
- We will spray dandelions again this year
- Work to be done on the gravel drive
- Work Day? We are hoping the Job Jar will entice Members to address issues as they surface. To see the tracking sheet click here.
- Donations of Grub-X are welcomed.
Safety Report: Sid Kinzel
- No safety incidents to report
- Revised (simplified) Safety Rules carried fordward with Member APPROVAL. These will be printed at full resolution as a vinyl wrap on two 48x48in steel highway signs, one on each side of our outdated Frequency Board site.
- Camera Security proposed tech did not work out. Re-evaluating.
Membership Report: Greg Tesson
- 108 paid members for 2025 to date (ahead of this time last year). Thanks guys
- Many thanks to Ralph Doyle for his many years of service to the Club
Events – Full calendar on the website
- 8 Apr, Tue 7pm – Club Meeting @ Gizzie Field
- 26 Apr, Sat – CAP ‘Show-Fly’ demonstration for Wentzville Civil Air Patrol – Dave Harrington d_l_harrington@yahoo.com 636-485-2343
- 10 May, Sat 10am – Pylon Racing – Dave Harrington d_l_harrington@yahoo.com 636-485-2343
- 13 May, Tue 7pm – Club Meeting @ Bob Gizzie
- 15-18 May – Whirly Bird Classic @ Bob Gizzie Field conducted by St. Louis Whirly Birds RC Helicopter Club
- Members of the Whirly Birds were present including Club president Jeff Young
- Discussed ways to promote such as community newspapers, Fox 2, etc.
- 7 Jun, Sat 9am – Swap Meet and Fly-In – Ralph Grant Ralph@thegrantz.com 636-542-3622
- 10 Jun, Tue 7pm – Club Meeting
- 14 Jun, Sat 10am – Pylon Racing – Paul Geders pgeders@charter.net 314-623-5422
- 28 Jun, Sat 9am – Biplanes over Bonhomme Island – Stephen Adams sa@stepheneadams.com 314-616-9136
- 7 Aug, Thu 5pm – Float Fly-In @ Steve Pokorny’s – Steve Pokorny 314-265-2455
- 13 Sep, Sat 9am 3rd Annual Old School Fun Fly – Bart Asher flybigrc@hotmail.com 314-537-3861
- Bart is working with AMA on promotion. Sanctioned event. One sponsor so far and working others.
Tommy Schnittler 1/7th RC Stadium Truck
Greg Tesson and Greg Bowles hand-me-up Taylorcraft . Look for a post telling the story of this aircraft.

Wayne Nenninger showed the progress on his P-51 project

Adjournment at 8:30pm to bounce to Serra’s Pizza to discuss more lengthy, opinionated issues and lies after the gavel.
Send any corrections to secretary@spiritsofstl.com
Stephen got into RC in 1996 shortly before his first son was born. He enjoys building and loves WWII scale. He returned to active flying in 2021 after several years out of the hobby and lives by the adage: "as the eyes get older, the planes get bigger".
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