Meeting Minutes – February 2025 (updated 27Feb)


11 February 2025

Remix Church, 2240 Bennington Pl, Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Attendance: 24 Members Present

Club President-Elect: Dan Morrison

  • Meeting called to order 7:03
  • Minutes from Jan meeting. Correction 15-18 May – St Louis Whirlybirds Fun Fly
  • The website needs writers. Thank you Paul, Wayne, Stephen
  • Reviewed proposed set of Safety Rules (hand outs). More plainly written, shorter and intended to be posted in place of outdated Frequency Board with a car wrap on a painted steel sign 48x48in. To be voted on March Meeting
    • Looking for artistic input for the entrance and corner sign at Amrein and Greens Bottom Rd.
  • Pylon Racing: changes to scoring rules.  Dan will post details to the website very soon.
    • CD needed for September 20th race

Future Looking 

Thinking out loud…we want your ideas…

  • Possible upgrades to the Field
    • Shade structures, a ‘club house’ with AC and heat, maybe a TV. 
    • Live video of the Field and weather station is in the works.
  • The reckoning…

Paying for the upgrades and general funding of the club.

  • big annual event ; such as the old Warbirds Fly In
  • collect dues monthly versus annual fee
  • through wills, endowments, life insurance beneficiary, etc, we are a 501(c)7
  • general donations of cash or items to auction or raffle.
  • recognition via permanent markers at field. Bricks, signage, naming, etc
  • contribution levels: silver/gold/platinum or friend/builder/founder
  • Mark Twain 10% discount. Members forgo the discount, MT holds the 10% and passes to the Spirits quarterly.  Passive donating based on your spending habits.

The club exists to have a field to fly our airplanes and enjoy fellowship with the like-minded. Everything we do must serve this end. To keep our club healthy for ourselves and attractive to new members we should do more plane flying, continuous exercising of common sense, less fussing about the small things and being kind to others. Compromises, safe practices and reliance on collective common sense will generally promote the greater good. Be safe, engaging, have fun and help where you are able.”  ~Dan

Vice President: Dustin Whitrock

  • not preset

Secretary: Stephen Adams

  • Secretary Report Accepted
  • Job Jar creation.  See Field Committee Report

Treasurer: Wayne Nenninger

  • Treasurer’s Report Accepted
  •  Bank is forcing changes to our Savings account. Replacing with a Money Market account.

Field Committee Report: Paul Geders

  • The Committee and Stephen Adams set up a Field Maintenance “Job Jar” link on the website main menu.  You can report any issues or maintenance needs at the Field.  You can also review the Job Jar, assign yourself, and knock it out on an upcoming trip to the field.
  • Paul to work with Dave about replacing the front seals on the tractor
  • Donations of Grub-X are welcomed.

Safety Report: Sid Kinzel

  • No safety incidents to report
  • Revised Safety Rules were reviewed.  To be voted on in March meeting

Membership Report: Ralph Doyle

  • 98 members for 2025 to date
  • Get those renewals in

Events – Full calendar on the website

  • 20 Feb – Winter Indoor Fun Fly II
    • Saeger Elementary


Brian Aubuchon showed his new Freewing SR-71 Blackbird twin 70mm fans and includes a working brake parachute. Very nice looking plane.

Paul Geders demonstrated his new RC ERA C138 Bell206 Gyro Stabilized Scale RC Helicopter. This RTF helicopter features a six-axis gyro, optical flow positioning, barometric pressure altitude hold, and 12 minute flight time with 50 minute recharge. A great start into indoor helis for only $100.

Auction.  Peter Barth 1:3 scale 118” Waco YMF-5 was donated by Mark Twain Hobby to raise funds for the Club. There were two bidders with Stephen Adams taking home a LARGE project for $300.  

I started a lengthy (and costly) list of needed items. Kit looks top-notch and includes all the hardware so the real expense will be engine and servos. A radial would be VERY cool but it carries an extra $1,000+ dollars to acquire one. Time will tell on where I go with the motor.

This is not the largest wingspan kit I have built but definitely will be the most complex. Mostly, bcuz this is not the newest version of the Kit so the Manual is inaccurate (translated from German). There are great threads on RCG, RCU and RCScaleBuilders plus our great builders like WayneN to help when I get stuck. Expect a Build Series to start on the website in the near future.  ~sa

Send any corrections to


  • Stephen got into RC in 1996 shortly before his first son was born. He enjoys building and loves WWII scale. He returned to active flying in 2021 after several years out of the hobby and lives by the adage: "as the eyes get older, the planes get bigger".

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