Introducing the “Dual Membership”


Bringing the clubs in St. Louis together with discounts!

The most awesome thing about flying model aircraft is fellowship of other flyers and meeting the model aircraft community. A common barrier to this is the concept of memberships. To fly at another club more than a few times a year as a guest, it requires you to purchase multiple memberships to multiple clubs at a higher cost. The Saint Louis R/C Flying Association down in Eureka for example currently offers a “Dual” membership for $125/yr which is a $70 discount off of their “Full” membership of $195/yr. The Spirits of St. Louis R/C club board of directors has recommended the same benefits for others and we are also offering the “Dual” membership beginning immediately for the 2021 flying season and beyond for $100/yr or a $50 discount. All you have to do is

  • Click on the Join / Shop button above and you will be transported to the membership portal.
  • Click on the “Add to Cart” button under the Spirits Membership Icon and follow the instructions.
  • Select “Dual Membership” from the dropdown.
  • Make sure you provide the Current AMA sanctioned club that you are a member of as well as a contact there such as an officer that can verify you are in good standing (Name, Phone Number, or email address).
  • Answer the other questions and $100 will be added to your cart.
  • When you get to the shopping cart to pay, you will need to upload both your AMA card as well as your Primary Club Membership Card.
  • You can pay via PayPal or bring a check to the next club meeting. You can print out your receipt as a temporary membership card.
  • Before you fly you will need to read the Spirits of St. Louis R/C Club Safety Rules.
  • You will eventually get a membership card in the mail marked “Dual Membership” which you need to hang on the frequency board at Gizzie Field every time you fly!
  • Thats it, welcome to the Spirits of St. Louis R/C Club.

I cannot wait to see some new faces at the field as a result of the new “Dual Membership” . I for one will be joining the St. Louis R/C Flying Association as well.

Ralph Grant, Spirits President 2018-2021

Terms of membership. The fine print. Legal Mumbo-Jumbo Weasel words:

  1. To obtain a Spirits of St. Louis R/C Club (Dual Membership) They need to be a full member paying full rates at their (Home Club) and in good social/safety standing.  The cost of their Membership at their Home Club must be at least the cost of The Spirits of St. Louis R/C Club to prevent people from purchasing a membership at another AMA club for a deep discount ($25) so they can fly at our club 100% of the time at a discounted rate.
  1. They get a discount of $50.00 from the St. Louis Spirits of RC Flying club via the Dual Membership Rate as discussed at the January Meeting.
  1. They must provide a copy of their Home Club Membership Card, a Club Contact Name, Number, or Email Address for the Membership Chairman or other officer at their Home Club so our Membership Chairman can confirm their membership if he/she wishes.
  1. Their Home Club must be an AMA sanctioned flying site.  They obviously must be a current AMA member.
  1. Dual Members must adhere to the safety rules of our club the AMA safety code
  1. The Dual Membership is an INDIVIDUAL membership.  Family members over the age of 19 must have their own membership.  Family members under the age of 19 are welcome to fly at Gizzie field with a current AMA membership and should be listed as a Family flyer during the checkout process of the Spirits of St. Louis R/C club. The AMA number and AMA card needs to be uploaded to the CART before a purchase can be made.
  1. Dual members must apply fill out an application and pay via the typical membership process as described above.
  1. Dual members will get a membership card which they are required to post on the frequency board per the club safety rules.
  1. Dual Members are not allowed to have non-family visitors without a Full Membership.  Any guests must be Dual Members as well or a guest of one of our Full Members for up to 3 flying sessions per our current by-laws.
  1. The Dual Members are not eligible to vote at meetings or hold an office without a Full Membership.  Dual Members are encouraged to attend meetings and contribute to discussions and do modeling presentations.
  1. Dual members can attend events like a Full Member. Dual Members can hold events at Spirits of St. Louis R/C Gizzie Field with the approval of the club members at a monthly meeting.  The event will be posted to the club calendar after approval.
  2. The Dual Membership Program can be terminated by any club at any time.  If a club terminates a Dual Membership Program in the middle of a flying season they will refund the pro-rated remaining membership dues back to the Dual Members.  If the Dual Member cancels their membership at either club they are not eligible for a refund.

Thats it! Enjoy the field and I’ll see you there!



  • Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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My membership includes youth under age 19 ?
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