April 2020 Meeting Minutes

Monthly Meeting Minutes for April 14, 2020
By Ralph Doyle, Secretary

President Ralph Grant:

The first ever virtual Zoom meeting called to order at 7:15pm.

 13 members attended the meeting.

Secretary’s report:
Ralph Doyle, Secretary

Motion made, seconded and voted to accept the March meeting minutes as published on the Spirits web site. The link is located near the upper right of the web site home page.

Treasurer’s Report:
Steve Cross, Treasurer

The treasurer’s report was broadcast to the video attendees and there were no corrections.

Field Committee Report:
Dave Brown, Field Committee Chairman

There were several serious problems brought to the attention of the club. Number one is there are several people violating the club by-laws by shooting firearms on club property. Number two is members letting their dogs run free. Both of these actions have been brought to the attention to the club officers by the LAND OWNER. The offenders were confronted by the owner and he was told by them that they were club members. In the future law enforcement will be called protect the club lease requirements. Also, folks are still driving around the gate if it appears locked. As a reminder, the gate is NOT locked. It only appears that way.

Safety Committee Report: The members are reminded that the field is open and everyone, due to the “virus”, should practice keeping safe distances and be advised that the pavilion and porta-potty are closed.

Membership Chairman’s Report

Ralph Doyle, membership Chairman

If you plan on flying and have not rejoined the club you are trespassing. We currently have 102 renewed and new members. By the middle of the April last year we had 105 members.

The PayPal system is now available for you to renew your membership! There are two options available: You may print out an application and rejoin as in the past. Method number two is paying your dues using PayPal. Then you just need to fill out and email an application along with a copy of your AMA card to the membership chairman. A motion was made that due to the restrictions placed on club members, due to the virus, the “arrears” penalty for paying dues late has been dropped until August. After July, it makes more sense to pay monthly. Any member wishing a refund of their $25, please inform the membership chairman.

I want to send a ‘good job’ out to Babe Raab who singlehandly sold the club to three prospects who have joined the club.

Old Business:

The contract for mowing has been given to a new company. The club received a termination letter from our current mowing company terminating the contract. We wish Alex all the best in the future. The mowing will now be done on Monday after 1PM. Please co-operate with the new mowing company as they settle in. Dave Harrington was installed as V. President and Greg Bowles was appointed to the BOD.

New Business:

All the club activities have been postponed through May.   Stay Safe and Healthy!!!!


  • Ralph Grant

    Been flying R/C since 1993. Building balsa airplanes since I was a kid. I love warbirds, aerobats, and just about anything that will fly.

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